
Chen Institute and Science Prize for AI Accelerated Research

The Chen Institute and Science Prize for AI Accelerated Research is awarded annually to recognize innovative young researchers who apply techniques in Artificial Intelligence (AI), such as Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing, Computer Vision, or Deep Learning, to address basic research questions in the physical or life sciences.

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Prize money: US $30,000
Submissions open: Aug 2024

The Chen Institute recognizes the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) to accelerate and expand scientific research. To encourage AI advancements and promote breakthroughs in the field, we are organizing a prize in partnership with Science Magazine which will kick off in August 2024.


The “Chen Institute and Science Prize for AI Accelerated Research” aims to foster innovation and celebrate advancements of AI that have the potential to transform research and ultimately improve lives. Young scientists from across the globe are invited to showcase their AI-driven projects, solutions, and ideas.
